How to: Get Netlify Bandwith Usage Programatically For Free

Published 6 months ago: July 27, 2020

Updated: October 14, 2020

A how-to on getting your account bandwidth usage on Netlify for free, either using Javascript or Python.

Netlify's Analytics feature, at the time of writing, costs 9$. This may be a bit steep if all you need is to measure your site's traffic. This is an attempt on a livable compromise.

Using Python


In the script below, replace the following variable's values

The account name associated with the account.
The site name can be found in 'Site information' in the project's settings, or at the top in the overview.
The email used during account registration.
Created at

Full Python script

import requests

# Edit these
ACCOUNT_NAME = 'youraccountname'
SITE_NAME = 'projectsitename'
EMAIL = ''
PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = "longlonglongstringgeneratedbynetlify"

# Leave the rest
bandwidth_api_url = '{}/bandwidth'.format(ACCOUNT_NAME)

auth_string = "Bearer " + PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN

response = requests.get(bandwidth_api_url, headers = {
    'User-Agent': '{0} ({1})'.format(SITE_NAME, EMAIL),
    "Authorization": auth_string
response = response.json()

# Optional printing to console. Can be removed
print('Raw response: ', response)

def calculate(key):
    return int(response[key]) / 1000000

print_list = {
    "Included in plan": calculate("included"),
    "Used": calculate("used"),
    "Remaining":  calculate("included") - calculate("used"),
print('Human readable:')
for item in print_list.items():
    print(item[0], ': ', round(item[1], 2), ' MB')

Note: The returned usage will be a bit higher than how Netlify calculates it.

Netlify Bandwidth Checker Tool

If you are comfortable pasting your Personal Access Token in a web form, try this tool, which does the same as the Python script, only in JavaScript. One way to mitigate risk is to create a token, and revoke it just after using this tool.

Note: The script is executed client-side. No information is exchanged with

* Uses localStorage, an in-browser local storage. Credentials never gets sent to
View tool source code

Christoffer Lybekk

Developer under development

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